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January 26, 2007

I guess that I will give you a little history about the diet. The original diet, the dangerous one, was started on April 1, 2003. I was a junior in high school and the diet plan arose in pre-calculus. Jessica Krejci, Robert Smith, and myself all decided that we needed to loose some weight. We had all three always been the larger kids in our class and we decided to end that time in history. This diet was extreme, but it worked. I averaged around 1000 calories a day intake and about 300 calories lost a day due to exersice. The pounds flew off, for Robert and meself, Jessica’s success was limited. Within two months my history teacher, Coach Walker, pulled me aside and, in all seriousness, asked if I was doing hard drugs. Boy, was that an awesome day. When the damage was done I had gone from 235 lbs to 185 lbs by June 25, 2003. I lost about half a pound a day. Even though my target was 185 lbs I continued on, I reached 179 lbs. A weight I had last seen in about 7th grade. Many people at the time told me that I had lost too much weight and I believed them. I put a few pounds back on, this led to more pounds. Until I leveled at about 200 lbs for most of my senior year. My senior yearbook is an interesting journey through my weight gain. Over time I gained more. I went off to college and found cheap and awesome foods. Foods that don’t help ones waist. My 33 waist turned into a 34, then a 36, and now I am sitting on a 38, not fun. I currently weigh 235 lbs, again. I will not let this stand. On that historic April Fool’s day I promised myself I would never get bigger than 235 lbs in my life and now I sit at the entrance of this dreadful number. I look forward to the day that I can again sit at a computer with my shirt off and look at my stomach and see the top lip of my pants, the day when my gut does not hang over my belt when I sit. The day when my eye lids again emerge from the fat they hide behind today. The day will be a long hungry journey, but it is be a worthy adventure, an adventure that will be documented here. Next time you see me, wish me luck.

Today 235 lbs, tommorow 175 lbs.

This day is coming and I can’t wait. More on the finger nails, teeth, and face washing history later.


January 25, 2007

January 28, 2007 the journey begins.